Infographic: Rescue or TeamViewer? The Best Fit for Hybrid Work

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Marie Ruzzo.

April 12, 2023


From office-centric to new flexible and hybrid work models, how we work has changed dramatically, and the result is a much more complex IT environment for help desk teams to support. By all accounts, flexible work is here to stay – employees and customers alike will continue to require remote support. So now is the perfect time to ask the question: Does the remote support tool you’re considering deliver what you really need to support flex-centric work for the long term? 

Third-party Zibis Group compared of Rescue vs TeamViewer’s readiness to support today’s remote, hybrid and flexible work. This infographic highlights the key differences between the solutions to help clarify decision-making and the top capabilities to consider to best support today’s hybrid workforce.


Large infographic comparing Rescue to TeamViewer. Click to open pdf.

Click the infographic to view larger and download the PDF.

The bottom line is that Rescue and TeamViewer are both able to suitably address larger organization requirements, but from our experience TeamViewer lacks some of the key capabilities that are needed most now to support flexible work: additional security layers to combat increased cyberthreats, the reliability of 99.99% uptime, and predictable pricing that your business can rely on. 

Download the Zibis report to help you understand the differences between these remote support solutions and what they have to offer to meet your business requirements. And read more about the 3 Big Reasons Rescue Beats TeamViewer (and a Few More to Seal the Deal)


About Zibis Group, Inc.

Zibis Group is a leading source for market research and advisory services on the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry and related sectors.