Remote Reboot Nightmares? Make Support Less Scary

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December 9, 2021

Chuck Leddy

The comic strip Dilbert has a great sub-strip called “Dogbert’s Tech Support” where an irritable dog takes IT calls from customers. In one strip, a customer calls and tries to describe a problem. Before the words get out, Dogbert interrupts with, “shut up and reboot!” After the customer does so, and tries to explain that the computer is now working, Dogbert interrupts again, “shut up and hang up!” In the strip’s final panel, a satisfied Dogbert sits back and a thought cloud appears, “my average call time is improving.” That’s one way to see it.

We Need to Reboot the Remote Reboot

The device reboot is an IT support staple, right up there with classic moves like asking “can you check your connections?” Remote support interactions can be scary, exasperating experiences on both sides, but when you add the nightmare of the remote reboot and remote restart of a PC or Mac, you have the makings of a true horror story. Too often, computer reboots turn into Dogbert scenarios with intimidated customers fumbling around and frustrated IT support pros patiently trying to talk customers through the process of rebooting a remote computer.

Your support team can perform a lot better than Dogbert’s Tech Support when it comes to creating great experiences for customers in need of remote support solutions – and for support professionals in need of simple, easy-to-apply tools that fix issues fast and build customer trust. At a time when all companies are seeking to enhance the customer experience (CX), having a customer fumble through a remote reboot and remote restart of a PC/Mac is a CX nightmare that’s also scary for your customer retention rates, your brand image, your employee experience, and your bottom line. “Shut up and reboot” doesn’t cut it as an approach to CX.

Rescue Yourself from Remote Reboot Ordeals 

Reboots are often necessary while troubleshooting. During a Rescue remote support session, remote support professionals can reboot instantly and reconnect immediately, even if customer devices are unattended or in safe mode. That’s a dream scenario on both sides. Rescue offers four major remote reboot and re-connection options, described in detail below, that can make the process easy and keep those remote reboot nightmares (and Dogbert’s rude interruptions) away.

  1. Normal Reboot and Reconnect. Reboot and reconnect is used to aid with software installation, upgrades, or technical issues. Agents can use Rescue’s reboot feature to initiate a remote restart of a PC or Mac (note: it’s not available for mobile devices) and have it automatically reconnect to the same support session. All applications on the customer’s device are closed down in an orderly manner and the device is restarted. The customer will have to enter any hardware or other passwords, after which the support session is resumed. During this process the session status is shown as Rebooting.
  2. Safe Reboot and Reconnect. Use this option to restart the customer’s computer in safe-mode with networking enabled. Safe-mode is a special way for Windows to load when there is a system-critical problem that interferes with the normal operation of Windows.
  3. Emergency Reboot and Reconnect. This option does not allow applications and other processes to terminate gracefully. The customer may lose unsaved data. Windows will, however, shut down properly and flush all outstanding file operations to disk. This option should be used with care. The customer will need to enter any hardware or other passwords, after which the support session is resumed.
  4. Request Windows Credentials. A customer can be asked to enter his login credentials to allow you to reboot a device while the customer is not present at his machine. This information remains on the customer’s device, is encrypted, and cannot be accessed or seen. Restriction: If the customer device has a BIOS password configured, or any other hardware-related security mechanism, Unattended Boot Mode cannot work.

Of course, customers must provide permission for remote support professionals to use Rescue’s remote reboot and remote restart function. They’ll grant permission because having this functionality adds significant value and enhances the overall customer experience (while also improving your employee experience). People like fast and easy fixes when they seek remote support, while support pros (even Dogbert) are there to provide efficient, responsive support. Rescue provides the tools to make satisfaction happen on both sides of the remote support interaction.

Learn how LogMeIn Rescue reconnection options make restarting and supporting remote devices easier than ever. Request a demo to see Rescue’s remote reboot in action.