Rice Toyota

By embracing Rescue, Rice Toyota saw major improvements to its IT support capabilities and efficiency.
If we end up having any type of downtime we can lose sales. If a customer’s sitting there and an employee can’t resolve an issue to get into CRM, we potentially lose a customer or have a low customer service rating. When you have the ability to fix something within two or three minutes versus being there in 30 minutes, there’s a huge increase in [customer] satisfaction.
Marty Robertson, IT Manager, Rice Toyota
A locally-owned, family operated new and used car dealership, Rice Toyota has made top-quality customer support its top priority for more than 50 years. As the business has grown in recent years, offering this level of service became increasingly difficult.
- Advancing technology increased Rice Toyota’s dependence on computer applications and systems. The firm’s small IT department struggled to meet the demands of 180 employees located in four buildings and remote locations. With an average of 80 help desk tickets each week, the time spent resolving IT issues detracted from other aspects of customer service.
Rice Toyota’s IT manager looked at available solutions on the market and quickly determined that Rescue was the best solution. Rescue was easy to install, intuitive, centralized and integrated with the company’s existing help desk ticketing application. Within a few hours, Rice Toyota had deployed Rescue, and while LogMeIn’s customer support team followed up, no assistance was needed.
By embracing Rescue, Rice Toyota saw major improvements to its IT support capabilities and efficiency.
- Help ticket resolution time decreased by an average of 50 percent, enabling IT to focus on other issues. With Rescue, Rice Toyota’s time to value was one month. The business saw an annual ROI of 1,172 percent and average annual benefits of $14,142. The cost to benefit ratio was 1:12. By enabling remote support, Rescue saved the firm significant transportation costs for both off-site personnel and IT staff. Reduced resolution time enabled employees to increase productivity by avoiding IT-related disruptions.