What’s new: Live translations and an even easier experience in Rescue

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April 25, 2023

Katie Steward

Senior Product Marketing Manager, GoTo IT Solutions

Rescue knows that one-size doesn’t fit all IT organizations. We continue to invest in making our software easy to use, customizable, and uncomplicated, allowing you to do more for less. Rescue’s new features un-complicate the complicated, helping you meet your team, business, and workflow needs and eliminating unnecessary steps or overhead to make your support teams more productive. Here's what's new!

Live Translation Services: Support in multiple languages

You will find it easier to achieve your objectives with Rescue’s powerfully productive integrations. Now with the new Live Translation Services powered by Google Translate integration, Rescue will bring even greater value to your organization.

Right now, if your team is trying to support other languages, you are limited in who you can support. You may be making touch decisions of limiting who you can support causing poor customer experience or increasing your need for more staff to support all users.

With our new Live Translation Service feature, you can support multiple languages with Rescue. Live Translation Services provides real-time, effortless, multilingual support with Google Translate from a single support center. 

What does this mean for you? Reduced operational costs and overhead.

Rescue’s Live Translation Service gives you back time and eliminates unnecessary steps or overhead to make support teams more productive. These days, support teams are often resource strapped – from headcount to hours in the day. Our new feature will reduce burdens from techs by putting all the tools needed to their finger-tips in a single, simple workspace. Not to mention, making support painless and frictionless for your users

Live Translation Services uses Google Translate with easy default language setup and customizable glossaries.

Chat windows showing live translations.

And that’s not all! Rescue has even more recent releases to share with you. We are focused on not only making account administration easier, enabling you to make smarter decisions, but also reducing the burdens on technicians and end users by creating intuitive and easy to use functionality.

Calling Card as a Service

Our Calling Card as a Windows Service update removes the complexity of joining a session for non-admin end users or customers. This means less pesky prompts when joining a support session and no more elevating for techs. This release allows users to install the Calling Card in full service mode, meaning technicians no longer need to elevate to a Windows System Service when connecting to a user with non-admin privileges. Connecting a remote session just got even faster, allowing techs to quickly find and resolve the issue.

Admin AD Sync

Our Admin AD Sync expands the usefulness of the Azure AD sync process by allowing you to create Admins and Master Admins in addition to technicians – eliminating the need to manually create these user types in Rescue – and simplifying account management.

Updated Admin UI

Our updated Admin Center UI is a new modern design of the Rescue Admin Center. Everything you know and love is in the same place, but with a new fresh look. The highly requested redesigned icon set ensures our tools work how you need them to.

Get started with Rescue

Rescue’s latest features show we are committed to providing highly customizable, relentlessly fast, reliable, time-tested technology. Your remote support software should allow you to work smarter, not harder, helping break down barriers and flexing to meet your unique requirements.

Learn more about these updates in our webinar, Spring Release & Roadmap Review.