ChargedEV is the UK's leading supplier and installer of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment for homes and businesses, fitting more than 35,000 EV charge points across the UK. With the help of Rescue Live Lens camera-sharing software, ChargedEV is able to offer home video surveys to assess the customer's premises prior to installation.
Live Lens adds the human touch to our assessment process, making us more personable and accessible to customers. The functionality you get for the price of Live Lens is incredible. It enables us to do so much and it’s incredibly versatile.
Adam Redmond, Domestic Team Leader, ChargedEV
As more people and businesses switched to electric vehicles, demand for EV charge point installations from ChargedEV was increasing sharply. Every prospective customer must have their premises assessed to determine its suitability for charge point installation. Customers must either compete an online form and submit photographs, or have their premises surveyed by a ChargedEV engineer.
Adam Redmond, Domestic Team Leader at ChargedEV, says: “We wanted to add another, easier way for customers to provide the information we needed. The assessment phase is free to customers, so we wanted to make it as simple and low-cost as possible, while ensuring we get the right information and images. We liked the idea of using video calls, so we could assess the site, take the necessary photos and answer any questions, all in one call.”
Operations Manager Bethany Fox and Adam were aware of GoTo, and recognised that its Rescue Live Lens camera-sharing software could enable them to deliver their proposed ‘home video surveys’. ChargedEV ran a trial of Live Lens with around 50 customers.
Adam says: “Live Lens received excellent feedback from both customers and our project coordinators on its speed and ease-of-use. Our installers were also happy with the quality of photos and video produced on the calls.”
Home video surveys using Live Lens were introduced as a new option in the ChargedEV assessment process, offering customers a third way to supply the information needed to generate a quote. Customers simply receive a scheduled video call from ChargedEV, and a project coordinator talks them through the process, views the premises and guides them to take screenshots of utility meters and other assets, as required. The whole process now takes around eight minutes to complete.
The home video survey has proved an extremely popular option with ChargedEV customers. In the first two months after its introduction, ChargedEV carried out 980 video sessions using Live Lens – totaling more than 180 hours of video calls.
Adam says: “Home video surveys offer a really simple and effective way for us to assess the customer’s premises. Customers that have had a video survey have a 99% chanceof a successful installation. That is by far the best success rate of our three survey methods. It’s helped us to improve our overall conversion rate from enquiry to installation by up to 15%.”
A primary benefit of Live Lens is the speed of getting customers onto the call. Live Lens is entirely browser-based, so there’s no app for customers to download. They simply access the session with one click. Project coordinators can also explain the installation process and address queries on the same call, and even ‘draw’ on the live image to show customers where wires and EV equipment will be installed.
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