What’s new: Making IT more secure, integrated, and automated

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October 24, 2023

Kim Zupancic

Senior Product Marketing Manager


Here at GoTo, we are on an ongoing mission to empower IT professionals to do more with less. With that, we are thrilled to share a roundup of the latest and greatest additions to hit the platform. From streamlining day-to-day IT operations and helpdesk needs to introducing a new solution to manage assets, this is your inside look at how LogMeIn Resolve is making everyday work simpler. If efficient and integrated is your jam – keep reading for exciting developments that promise to enhance your LogMeIn Resolve experience!

IT Asset Management: One view of your IT assets

Now included in all standard and premium plans, the addition of IT asset management in LogMeIn Resolve ensures that all hardware assets are efficiently tracked and managed within the console. With nearly unlimited assets and customizable fields, categories, and labels, customers can model workflows and processes with ease.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of IT Asset Management Inventory: Ensure all hardware assets are efficiently tracked and managed


Logitech Integration: Remotely connect to and control CollabOS devices at scale

With this integration, Logitech’s CollabOS appliances, such as Rally Bar, Rally Bar mini, and RoomMate, can be remotely accessed for streamlined control and support. With enhanced access capabilities, Logitech administrators can rely on LogMeIn Resolve to address local device issues without being physically present in the room.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of Logitech integration: remotely access CollabOS appliances including Rally Bar, Rally Bar mini, and RoomMate


Helpline: Make user-initiated support sessions easier than ever

Are you eager to elevate your customer experience? Look no further! Introducing Helpline, an addition to LogMeIn Resolve that opens an extra avenue of support for both agents and end-users. Through the LogMeIn Resolve customer portal, users can seamlessly initiate sessions with agents. What’s more, when this feature is activated, AI-generated troubleshooting tips are displayed when users await a connection with an agent.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of Helpline: Users can seamlessly initiate sessions with agents


“Its simplicity has made it ideal for streamlining our HelpDesk workflows and delivering world-class support.” – Joan K., Healthcare Data Analyst


Custom email: Create a unique email address for your helpdesk

Make your helpdesk email address truly your own. Create a customized helpdesk service email address that not only mirrors your distinct company identity, but also simplifies recall. This personalized touch ensures that your end-users can effortlessly remember and reach out when needing support.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of helpdesk setup: Create a customized helpdesk service email address


VoIP: Provide real-time verbal assistance during support sessions

Provide real-time communication in remote support sessions. With VoIP in remote support sessions, agents can initiate audio streams with an end-user from the chat window and ensure quick and effective problem diagnostic. Ensure instructions and troubleshooting steps are clear, gather more context, and reduce friction points.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of VoIP: initiate audio with an end-user during support sessions


Dashboard: View managed device and ticketing insights

LogMeIn Resolve’s new dashboard delivers real-time insights into critical device health and helpdesk metrics. With this overview at their fingertips, agents can stay on top of vital information that demands immediate attention, such as ticketing, updates, alerts, and antivirus notifications.


“LogMeIn Resolve provides everything we require to operate our business from everywhere - all in one location.” – Allen C., Senior Full Stack Developer


Recurring Remote Execution: Put routine tasks on automatic

With recurring remote execution jobs, agents gain the ability to establish scheduled remote execution tasks that operate on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This functionality not only streamlines the automation of specific actions or commands on remote devices, but also contributes to the ongoing health and security of your IT infrastructure. Say hello to effortless efficiency.

LogMeIn Resolve screenshot of Recurring Remote Execution: Schedule daily, weekly, or monthly automations


“LogMeIn Resolve is one of the most secure apps in its category, also simple and easy to use.” – Sachin S., RPA Developer


More new features and enhancements

Beyond these updates, we have even more new features to unveil, each designed to enhance the experience and workflow of LogMeIn Resolve users.

  • Link-based device enrollment: Agents have the flexibility to choose between a downloadable file or link to share with an end-user. This streamlined process means enrolling devices in LogMeIn Resolve requires less effort and improves the user experience.
  • Enhancements in alerting: Additional alert types were introduced, such as connectivity alerts, as well as the ability to apply alert policies to specific device groups.
  • Streamlined device management: Agents can execute rapid actions directly from the device details page, including tasks like flushing DNS cache and initiating a forced reboot.
  • Session API: Empowers partners and developers to easily integrate with LogMeIn Resolve and perform actions such as retrieving session information, creating a session, subscribing to session-related updates, closing a session, and more.
  • Helpdesk improvements: Further enhancing the helpdesk experience for agents, several subtle yet impactful changes have been implemented. These include improved text formatting capabilities, the ability to tailor ticket status to suit unique workflows, the convenience of opening tickets in new browser tabs from ticket views, and the addition of a search function for categories and tags.
  • Multi-agent collaboration in unattended sessions: Multiple agents can simultaneously view and control the customer screen, retrieve diagnostic information, and chat with each other and the customer during unattended support sessions.
  • Mobile ticketing push notifications: Agents can receive mobile push notifications via the LogMeIn Resolve agent mobile app whenever new tickets are created or existing tickets are changed.

Next up: Pushing productivity boundaries with AI

Finally, expect some very impactful innovation over the coming months with the beta release of our new AI Assistant later this year. This AI Assistant will quickly become an IT professional’s trusted sidekick, helping collect and analyze relevant device health information (think resource utilization, last reboot, application update status and more) and then provide recommended follow-up actions to address issues. This new, innovative approach will eliminate a bevy of manual actions taken today – along with a few potential missed actions – and jump start resolutions. Stay tuned for more about this AI Assistant in the weeks ahead.

Get started with the new and improved LogMeIn Resolve today

While we’re excited to share these highly requested releases; they’re just the beginning for what we have in store. Learn more about these updates and what’s coming in our October Release & Roadmap Webinar.