Remotesupport für Android-Geräte

Mit dem Remotezugriff für Android-Geräte beginnen Sie innerhalb von 20 Sekunden mit der Behebung technischer Probleme – und das ohne vorinstallierte Software.
Testen Sie Rescue jetzt 14 Tage kostenlos. Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich.

Remote support for Android mobile devices—from anywhere

Connect and start troubleshooting in as little as 20 seconds.


Remote access for Android


Remote access on Chromebooks with Android apps


Why Rescue Remote Support for Android?

Cut costs and save

Rescue customers have reported up to 1000% ROI thanks to the convenience, power and flexibility of remote support.

What you can do with Remote Support and Access for Android with Rescue

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Troubleshoot quickly with remote control for Android phones

Work as if you’re on-premise with remote access

Remotely control Android devices from your remote desktop and perform tasks as if you were using the device directly. For frequently performed tasks, you can save both time and sanity by letting scripts do the work.

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Annotate and pinpoint solutions in real-time

Show users what needs to be fixed with screensharing

Draw live on users's Android screens to pinpoint what's gone wrong and easily guide them through solving problems on their own.

Flexible, dependable remote support – trusted by thousands of companies


Connect to any Android device in the world in 20 seconds and scale from 1 to 25,000 licenses – perfect for shops of any size. 

See why our customers love Rescue

Try the most robust remote support for Android on the market

Start a 14-day free trial of Rescue and improve your remote support for Android devices. No credit cards. No commitments.
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