Machen Sie Rescue zum Teil Ihrer Marke.

Bei jeder Fernsupportsitzung verteidigen Sie auch Ihren guten Ruf. Deshalb sollten Sie Ihre Marke im besten Licht darstellen: mit individuellen Features, die optimal an die Anforderungen Ihrer Benutzer:innen angepasst sind. Testen Sie es jetzt 14 Tage gratis.

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Simple connections mean less stress.


Make it easy to access support with Website Integration.

Give customers an easy way to initiate support without leaving your website. Here are three ways to seamlessly integrate Rescue on your site.

Icon Text

Custom PIN Entry Form

Users simply enter a code to access support. You can put PIN entry forms on different webpages to direct support traffic to the right technician.

Custom Chat

Brand the conversation.


Global Language Support

Reach users worldwide.


Live Translation Service

Offer multi-language support, in real time.


Mobile App Customization

Tailor your in-app support.


See for yourself.

Start a 14-day free trial of Rescue and gain remote access to computers, tablets, and phones today!
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