Logiciel d'assistance à distance sécurisée de LogMeIn Rescue

Dans un monde aussi interconnecté, il est d'autant plus important de maîtriser la sécurité, tant pour votre société que pour vos utilisateurs. Testez l'assistance à distance sécurisée gratuitement pendant 14 jours.

Aucune carte bancaire nécessaire.

Stay a step ahead of threats with safety-first remote support


Permissions and Controls

Keep customers safe with granular privileges and permissions.


Session Validation Measures

Get extra protection to ensure end users, technicians, and your organization are safe from malicious actors.


Data residency & storage customization

Flexible options for data storage


Auditing & Reporting

Stay in compliance and on top of your helpdesk.


Smart and Secure Remote Support

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Make admins’ jobs easier with Active Directory (AD).

With secure user onboarding with AD, admins’ jobs are easier too. There’s just one pool of users to manage. Any user changes in AD are automatically synched to Rescue.

Add Technicians →

See how Secure Remote Support Software enhances user experience

See for yourself.

Start a 14-day free trial of Rescue and gain remote access to computers, tablets, and phones today!

No credit card required